Entrepreneurship Week Germany 2020
Written by StartGlocal on .
The Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences participates this year again in the largest nationwide campaign fostering entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial spirit: the Entrepreneurship Week Germany, which takes place from the 16th to 20th of November 2020.
The aim of this action week is to inspire young people to think and act entrepreneurially, to promote appropriate skills, to foster creativity and to enable the exchange of ideas, experience and opinions on entrepreneurship and self-employment.

The Centre for Research, Innovation and Transfer of the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (ZFIT) offers in the frame of the StartGlocal - Global Spirit for Local Start-ups project a comprehensive virtual event program on topics such as entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity.
The program for the Entrepreneurship Week at the Rhine-Waal University has been designed with the help of scientific staff and professors from the university. Interactive online workshops cover a wide range of topics - from start-up coaching and the development of business models up to the perfect social media presence for start-ups. For example, a start-up coaching (17th of November 2020), workshop on "How do I develop a logo for my start-up?” (18th of November 2020) and the interactive "Pressure Cooker Day" (20th of November 2020), will be offered.
Creative people and everybody interested in founding of start-up business, have an opportunity to gain new experience and fresh insights, but also to consult their ideas individually and develop them further. Online workshops are open to students, alumni, employees of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences and interested citizens.