4 Years of StartGlocal

We are delighted to celebrate the 4th anniversary of StartGlocal!

4 Years of StartGlocal:
Supporting Start-ups at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences

Our project is located within the Center for Research, Innovation, and Transfer of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (HSRW) and is dedicated to supporting aspiring entrepreneurs, alumni, and staff of HSRW. Since its inception on April 1, 2020, we have been actively promoting innovation, supporting entrepreneurship, and strengthening the start-up ecosystem at HSRW.

5 members of the StartGlocal Team celebrate happily the 4th anniversary of the project
StartGlocal celebrates 4th anniversary

Key Milestones of Our Journey
Over the past four years, we have organized numerous inspiring events - from workshops to networking events - to connect aspiring entrepreneurs with experts and mentors. In total, there were 183 events that bolstered the potential of start-ups at our university. Our team of mentors and coaches has provided valuable support to hundreds of start-up enthusiasts. Through 658 effective start-up coaching sessions, we have laid the foundation for successful business ventures. We have supported nine innovative start-ups and guided them on their path to establishment. These ventures are evidence of the power and potential of our support programs. Additionally, we have successfully assisted 19 talented individuals in securing financial support to realize their ideas.

Special Events Organized by StartGlocal
Within our events, we have created platforms to showcase creative ideas and receive feedback from experts. The Best Idea Cup, Make an Impact Day, and Innovation Sprints are just a few examples of how we foster innovation and entrepreneurial thinking. Entrepreneurship Week is a particularly special event, offering a week-long series of activities and events centered around entrepreneurship and founding.

We extend our gratitude to all who have been part of our journey. With your support, StartGlocal will hopefully continue to be a driving force for innovation and positive change at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences and beyond.

© StartGlocal