Annual Review 2021

The new year is approaching and it´s time to look back on 2021.

The year 2021 was a year full of challenges, new learnings and plenty of activities.

It was a pleasure for us to accompany students and employees of Rhine-Waal University in their start-up activities. Thank you for joining our 48 events with over 800 participants and taking part in more than 300 start-up coaching sessions. We are also proud of the team Ringelbox, which established its own start-up company and six teams, which got start-up scholarships.

Through the many events, workshops and coaching sessions, we were able to support the start-up and entrepreneurship activities at both locations of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences as well as the transfer of knowledge between the region and the university.

We would like to present you our highlights from 2021.

  • 48 start-up events
  • 29 StartGlocal Academy workshops
  • ~ 800 participants
  • over 300 start-up coachings
  • 3 Pressure Cooker Days with regional companies
  • 6 NRW-Gründerstipendien
  • 1 start-up established
  • ~ 2.000 cups of coffee
  • ~ 3.000 cookies
  • 1 motivated team

We wish you and your families a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year 2022!

Your StartGlocal Team

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