2 years StartGlocal
Written by StartGlocal on .
How time flies! As StartGlocal, we have been promoting the start-up culture at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences for two years now and can report some successes.
In addition to almost 100 initial start-up consultations and 320 follow-up consultations, four start-up teams were able to make their dream come true and found their own company. 16 other students received the start-up scholarship Gründerstipendium NRW. A small personal highlight for us were our events with over 1.000 participants as well as the numerous StartGlocal Academy workshops.
- 71 events with 1.250 participants
- 2 Best Idea Cups
- 2 Demo Days
- 29 events during the Start-Up Week Germany
- 38 StartGlocal Academy workshops with 60 participants
- 5 Pressure Cooker Days with regional companies
- 420 Start-up coaching sessions
- 7 teams with start-up scholarships
- 99 initial start-up consultations, 320 follow-up consultations
- 4 founded start-ups
- 8 trees for our StartGlocal Forestand much more...
There is also a change in our team. Hannes Jaschinski is the new Start-up Scout at the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology and Bionics. Welcome, Hannes, we are happy to have you!
Also new are our consultation hours. Since May, we are personally on site again for students and employees of the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences.
In the newly established consultation hours, anyone interested in founding a company can come to us without having an appointment and discuss any questions about self-employment or our project. You can find us every Wednesday between 14:00 and 16:00 in Kleve building 20, 2nd floor, room 20 02 014 and in Kamp-Lintfort (RAG) building 06, 2nd floor, room 06 02 140.
These 2 years have challenged us, enriched us immensely and exaggerated our motivation and anticipation for the next years. Who knows, maybe you will be the next person to celebrate our next milestone with us! We are excited and looking forward to it!